Congratulations to Matt White

Matt White, who is now pursuing his PH.D. at Ohio State after earning is MA at Rutgers-Camden, has just published the essay “‘The Cause of the Workers Who Are Fighting in Spain is Yours’: The Marine Transport Workers and the Spanish Civil War” in a new collection of essays from Pluto Press titled Wobblies of the World: A Global History of the IWW.

Congratulations to Matt!

Below is a link for the collection of essays mentioned.

Alumna News from Katie Leonard

Here’s a report from one of our alums in the public history world:

I’m working at the Dutchess County History Department (Poughkeepsie, NY) indexing 18th and 19th century court documents for a NYS grant funded digitization project, and at the Rockefeller Archive Center (Sleepy Hollow, NY) as an archival assistant on the reference team. I’ve worked at both places for over 3 years now.


Paid Archival Internship

Department of Archives and Special Collections Princeton Theological Seminary Library Princeton, New Jersey

The Archives and Special Collections Department of the Princeton Theological Seminary Library, Princeton, NJ, is offering a 14-15 hour per week paid internship, beginning in early May, 2017. Our internship offers an opportunity to learn about the many functions an archivist is called upon to fill in an academic archives and rare books department. The activities include reference and patron assistance, acquisition and record-keeping procedures, preparation of exhibits, and the processing of collections—inventory, arrangement and description, the development of finding aids, etc. There may also be some opportunity for basic preservation work, such as the construction of phase boxes.

The major requirements are current enrollment in an information science or library science or history graduate program and a faculty member at the student’s institution willing to act as a liaison contact. Unfortunately, due to restrictions placed by our HR department, we can only accept applicants still taking courses. Once students have graduated they are no longer eligible for this internship. A background or interest in religious or theological studies and a basic course already completed or being taken concurrently in archival theory or practice are preferred.

Interested persons should contact Kenneth Henke, Curator of Special Collections and Archivist, Princeton Theological Seminary Library, 25 Library Place, Princeton, NJ 08540 (or with a brief resume and indication of relevant coursework or experience.

Congratulations to Nic Wood

Our former MA student Nicholas Wood completed his post-doctoral term at Yale and is on to a new tenure-track position at Spring HIll College.  All best, NIc!