Graduate History Blog
What Have Our Graduate Students Been Up To?
The vibrant variety of history activity in the South Jersey / Philadelphia region is the subject of the Public History Year in Review website, which grows each year with new stories by history graduate students at Rutgers-Camden and other invited partners. Students who participate receive professional editing to sharpen their writing skills and training in creating a WordPress website. During Fall 2015, graduate students produced new stories covering historic preservation and community development projects; the exhibit at the National Constitution Center to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Reminder Days demonstrations for LGBT rights; the creation of the new First State National Historical Park; the 100th anniversary of the Justice Bell used to campaign for women’s suffrage; the progress of the Museum of the American Revolution soon to open in Philadelphia; living history programs at the Colonial Pennsylvania Plantation; and the discovery of a Revolution-era cannon through archaeology at the Red Bank Battlefield.
Phi Alpha Theta Applications
We are now accepting applications for membership in Phi Alpha Theta (PAT), the National History Honor Society.The society has over 350,000 members, with about 9,500 new members joining each year through 860 local chapters.”
To qualify for membership, undergrads must have a 3.5 GPA in at least four graduate courses.
Induction of new members will take place at a soon-to-be-scheduled date in March or early April 2016, and iwill feature a keynote speech by award-winning historian Kathleen Brown, of the University of Pennsylvania. Following the talk, the Department of History will have the honor of officially inducting eligible students into Phi Alpha Theta and celebrating with excellent food and beverages. The family and friends of new inductees are invited.
If you are interested in and qualify for Phi Alpha Theta membership, please hand in the three following things to Ms. Sharon Smith, the secretary of the History Department, no later than Monday, February 15, 2016:
1) A check made out to Phi Alpha Theta in the amount of $40 (for lifetime membership). 2) A copy (unofficial is fine) of your Rutgers-Camden transcript 3) A sheet of paper with your current home and email address.
Graduate Research Presentations
The Graduate School is proud to announce the first annual Celebration of Graduate Research and Creative Activities, a part of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences new Research Week. This is an opportunity for graduate students across all of our disciplines in Arts and Sciences to present their independent research and creative pursuits to the campus community.
The event will take place on Monday, April 25th from 4:00 to 6:30pm in the Campus Center Multipurpose Room.
The Graduate School is now accepting proposals from all Graduate School of Arts and Sciences students. All proposals are due by Friday, March 11th. Applications may be submitted online only, Your faculty advisor/P.I. must also submit a recommendation form. A workshop on how to write abstracts and proposals for conferences on Wednesday, February 17th from 4:30-5:30PM. Sign up for this workshop at
Internships at the Maryland Historical Society
The Maryland Historical Society offers competitive fall, spring and summer internships to current undergraduate and graduate students. The overarching goals of our internship opportunities are to enhance the students’ educational experiences, as well as meet the needs of the institution. Interns are assigned directly to a staff member who supervises and mentors them on diverse and challenging projects that directly impact MdHS. Because of the semester nature of internships, interns are usually assigned to short-term projects.
To apply, please send a cover letter and resume to Please be sure to indicate which semester you are interested in interning with us, as well as your preference in departments. Also, please include information in your cover letter indicating why you are interested in interning at MdHS and how you think your experience would supplement your educational goals. Also, let us know what prior experience, if any, you have in the museum industry.
For more information go to