Student Spotlight: Amy Osterhout

Graduate student Amy Osterhout has only been working with the Old Baldy Civil War Roundtable for a few months, but already her involvement with the organization has proven beneficial. Osterhout manages the group’s social media presence, namely their Facebook page, and uses snippets from the Old Baldy monthly newsletter, promotes the group’s monthly meetings, and posts ritually throughout the day, making sure that those that follow the page stay up-to-date and informed on the latest Old Baldy news. 

Since starting with the group in late August, Amy has helped to increase the number of “likes” on the Facebook page from 915 to roughly 970. She hopes that the group can reach her personal goal of 1,000 likes soon – with her help and dedication, surely itwill happen! Provide Amy with an extra boost by visiting the Old Baldy Facebook page, and stay up-to-date with all things Civil War. 

Keep up the great work, Amy!